
RSGB Contest Results Oct UHF 2023   
v4.145 by G4CLA

October UHF

The last UHF contest of the year received 54 entries (34 in 2022 and 32 in 2021).  It can hardly be described as a popular contest and a number of entrants noted the lack of activity.  However those that were qrv were rewarded with some excellent conditions.

G7RAU provided contest ODX with a QSO with EA8CTK on 432MHz at 2600km.   And if that wasn't enough he did it again on 23cm.  Many stations were able to work EA and other DX within Europe.

When I do this write up I normally reflect entrants moans about conditions.  But this time it's rather different 'fantastic' (G4YPC), 'brill' (G4HGI) and 'amazing' (G0KYS).  Not everyone benefits, of course 'very poor conditions' (GM4PPT).

For the first time a QSO was made on 76GHz when G4FRE/P worked G8CUB/P with a path length of 56km.

This event is co-ordinated with a IARU Region 1 contest and the R1 logs were obtained and were used to assist with adjudication.

Stephen Purser GW4SHF